Barren Island : Only Active Volcano In India
About This Place
Barren Island is situated in the Andaman Sea, and lies about 138 km (86 mi) northeast of the territory's capital, Port Blair. It is the only active Volcano along the chain from Sumatra to Myanmar and also the only active volcano in India. Barren Island is a part of the Indian Union Territory of Andaman and Nicobar Islands and is well known as a Submarine emergent Volcano, which lies above the subduction zone of India and Burmese plate.
Its name is evidently justified as it is a barren area uninhabited by humans, though it has a small population of goats. Also birds, bats like flying foxes and a few rodent species such as rats are known to survive the severe conditions. Also unpeopled and bereft of any significant vegetation.
Andaman and Nicobar
Best Time to Visit
Around the Year.
Open Timings
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Govt. Guidelines
Barren Island comes under the restricted zone and special permits has to be taken to visit Barren Island. In addition, no one is allowed to land on the Barren Island. No night stay is allowed at Barren Island.
Languages Spoken
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Best Access
Airport : Port Blair
Railway station :
Bus stand : Let us know if you have been here..
Commonly Visited From
Port Blair
Popular Route
Port Blair-> Barren Island
No night stay is allowed at Barren Island so one can plan for the early morning trip to the island like you can start at 3 or 4 a.m. It takes nearly 4 to 5 hrs to reach the island from Port Blair. Tourists generally travel through ships and without getting down on the island they get the whole enthralling feeling of the island. The Island can be visited by chartered boats only with the approval of the forest department and after getting necessary permits.
Private charter has to be hired to visit Barren Island.